W4HOD will operate the club station in the CQ RTTY contest this weekend. KA4PKB, KF4OPX and AA4YL will be operating. Our goal is to be on the air most of the weekend and work as many stations as possible. As usual, our operation will be part of the Alabama Contest Group. style=”font-size:12pt;”> UPDATE 2/16/2009 The […]
Monthly Archives: February 2009
XE RTTY Contest
KI4KUT, KF4OPX, KA4PKB and AA4YL are operating the XE RTTY contest this weekend. So far we have had a lot of fun and I am headed back to the clubhouse to join KA4PKB in an hour to finish up the contest. A super thank you to member John, KI4KUT for the use of the 80 […]
Loachapoka Think Tank
Thursday usually means a gathering of the Loachapoka Think Tank (or Loachapoka Rat Pack, whichever you think is more fitting) at a local eating establishment in the Auburn-Opelika area. On Thursday, Feb 5, the lucky establishment was the cafeteria at the East Alabama Medical Center. The food was not bad, but the conversation is what […]