Monthly Archives: August 2010

Huntsville Hamfest

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Well, the 2010 Huntsville Hamfest is history and it was fun. The Alabama Contest Group had some good forums as well as the annual ACG meeting. Tim, KY5R has done a great job this year leading the ACG and we appreciate it. The ACG dinner was held at Beauregard’s in Huntsville. Very good turnout and admin […]

August Meeting

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HODARS had a very good meeting and program in August. Dick, K4IQJ demonstrated a two port  Vector Network Analyzer from  Array Solutions (VNA-2180). It can be used as a single-connector device to measure antenna impedances in a manner similar to the MFJ-259 but with a lot more informaion, or as a two-port device to characterize amplifiers, filters where […]