Posts Categorized: Meetings

DMR – A Live Hands-On Introduction / June 26, 2018 / Opelika, AL

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AFCRAS will be sponsoring and conducting a live, hands-on Introduction to DMR Amateur Radio on June 26, 2018. Totally FREE to attend Pre-registration is NOT required, but it would be helpful if you will email the AFCRAS Media Committee as soon as you can and at least a couple of days before the presentation and let us […]

July Meeting

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Club member, Dick, K4IQJ has offered to do the program for July meeting. He found a new beverage antenna at this years Dayton hamfest and he will be presenting info on it. BBQ supper in the meeting room before Dick’s presentation. $5.00 per person. Date:   July 9th Time: 6 pm to 8:30 pm Place: […]

March Meeting

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Great turnout Tuesday evening for the presentation on Software Designed Radio by Dick, K4IQJ. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Mexican buffet and Dick did his usual outstanding job with the program. We had some new visitors and an old member drop by. Good to see Larry, K4LRW back with us. Former member Mike, KF4OPX would […]

January Meeting

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Excellent turnout for the meeting tonight. Three new members: Ted, W4DUF; Dale, WA4CQG and Terry, KA4Y. Cheryl, AA4YL presented the program on classic videos on amateur radio through the years. Supper before the meeting was at the Mandarin House in Opelika. On a side note, one of our new members gave us the best compliment […]

June Meeting

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The June meeting of HODARS is Tuesday, June 14th. Location is the Health Resource Center on Pepperell Parkway, across from the East Alabama Medical Center. The meeting is in the first room on the right. The meeting begins at 7 PM CT. Meeting will cover Field Day preparation at the home of KI4KUT. We will […]

May Meeting

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Dave Morris, W5UP presented a great program Tuesday evening. He explained the beginnings of EQSL, how the system works, the computers and servers that the system is stored, etc. After the program, he offered discounts to the members on the Silver membership with EQSL. Dave also had EQSL hats for sale at a discount. The […]

April Meeting

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Pre-meeting supper was at Durango’s in Opelika. As usual Jesus and staff did a great job. Food and service were very good.   The April meeting was great. John Laney, K4BAI presented a slide program on the 2006 Radiosport Championship in Florianopolis, Brazil. John gave a very good presentation as well as funny anecdotes on […]

April Meeting – John Laney, K4BAI

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John Laney, K4BAI from Columbus, GA, will be presenting the program for HODARS in April. John has promised something interesting for us. With his wealth of contesting and DX experience, I am sure it will be great. The meeting date is April, 12 at 7 PM. Location is the Health Resource Center across from EAMC. […]

Members Update

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HODARS is up to 20 dues paying members, including family members. Our club philosophy of learning and having fun is spreading. Members enjoy our casual, relaxed atmosphere. We don’t read minutes or bulletins out loud. We spend that time discussing projects or listening to a program. The next meeting is April 12, at 7 PM. […]

Spudniks and Ice Cream

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Tonight  was great fun. Deyl, KD4FD; Tom, KE4TWE; his wife Reta; Darrell, K9MUG; Bob, KA4PKB; and Cheryl, AA4YL met at the HRC to finish up as many Spudniks as we could. We did manage to finish one for Deyl, Darrell, and Tom. We will finish up the rest as soon as we can. Tom, KE4KWE, […]

Spud Gun Construction Finale

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Tonight is the Spudnik finale at the Health Resource Center. We will meet at 6 PM to finish up the spud gun construction. We will be meeting in the large room on the left as you come in the front door. This room has a lots of room to spread out. Eat before you come, […]

2011 Dues And Welcome A New Member

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2011 club dues are steadily coming in and the Treasurer appreciates that. Thank all of you for your continued support of HODARS. With our new emphasis on the technical and operating principals of amateur radio, we have a very bright future. Please welcome our newest member, John Klingelhoeffer, WB4LNM. John has paid his dues and […]

Spud Gun Update

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The Spudnik construction meeting went well.  Six Spudniks were built for club members. Time did not allow for completion of all of them, but we will meet again this month and finish them up. The best news was the presence of Deyl, KD4FD at the meeting. We have not seen Deyl in a while and […]

What’s that sound?! It’s Spudnik!

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The March meeting of HODARS is scheduled for March 8th. As usual the meeting will be held at the Health Resource Center across from EAMC on Pepperell  Parkway. Meeting begins at 7 PM. Pre meeting supper will be at a local eating establishment, which has not been selected yet. We meet at 6 Pm for […]

WSPR Program for February Meeting

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WSPR is a piece of software that enables you to participate in a world-wide network of low power propagation beacons. It enables your radio transceiver to transmit beacon signals, and to receive beacon signals from similarly-equipped stations in the same amateur band. Because participating stations usually upload spots that they receive in real time to […]