W4HOD will have a special guest at the October meeting. Dick Jaeger, K4IQJ will present our program, the subject being 160 meter DX operation. The meeting will be held on October 13 at Golden Corral located on Pepperell Parkway in Opelika. We will gather at 6:00 PM for supper and the program will commence immediately afterward.We will not have a regular business meeting so that Dick will have ample time for his presentation.
I borrowed the following from Dick’s bio on QRZ:
“Dick was first licensed as KN4IQJ in the summer of 1959 and upgraded a few months later. He is primarily a CW operator who enjoys chasing DX and operating in contests, particularly on the low bands. He is on top of the SSB/Mixed Honor Rolls, needs only P5 on CW, and has competed CQ 5BWAZ. He has worked 34 zones on 160M.”
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