Monthly Archives: November 2009

ARRL Triple Play Award

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HODARS has completed 144 of 150 contacts for the ARRL Triple Play Award.  2 needed on SSB, 2 on Digital and 2 on CW. Many thanks again to K9MUG for his extra efforts to make it happen on CW.


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At the November meeting, club members voted to establish a contesting fund for HODARS contesting activities. The first purchase was an order of QSL cards from KB3IFH in Maryland. First, let me brag on KB3IFH. Randy does an outstanding job of printing and his customer service is top notch too. Take a minute and read the […]

Alabama Contest Group Lunch

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K9MUG, KA4PKB, and AA4YL travelled to the Montgomery Hamfest on Saturday. We arrived late, but in plenty of time for the Alabama Contest Group lunch/gab fest at Country’s BBQ in Montgomery.  Lunch was great and conversation was varied as usual. Great to see fellow W4HOD members KA4NDY and KG4CQZ there.  Those in attendance were:WA4WLI, KA4PKB, K4ZGB, […]

Darrell Penrod, K9MUG is HODARS Contest Coordinator

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At the November meeting of HODARS, Darrell Penrod, K9MUG was appointed to head up the contesting effort of W4HOD, after he agreed to become the contest coordinator for the club. Thank you Darrell for all of your contest efforts in putting W4HOD on the air and for heading up the club’s future contest participation.

Sweepstakes CW Contest

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Call: W4HOD Operator(s): K9MUG Station: K9MUG Class: Single Op HP QTH: Alabama Operating Time (hrs): 12 Summary: Band QSOs ———— 160: 80: 153 40: 277 20: 229 15: 19 10: ———— Total: 678 Sections = 80 Total Score = 108,480 Club: Alabama Contest Group Comments: Always fun! Condx Sat. nite were horrific QRN 20 over […]

Ukraine DX Contest

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The Ukrainian DX contest is this weekend. W4HOD will be working SSB for the contest.  We should have a new 20 meter antenna up for this contest.

WAE RTTY Contest

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Worked All Europe (WAE) RTTY contest is this month, the second full weekend. Saturday, November 14, 2009, 0000 UTC until Sunday, November 15, 2009, 2359 UTC. This will be a new contest for W4HOD. It should be lots of fun.