Posts By: admin

February Meeting

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Due to schedule conflict with Dick, K4IQJ, our meeting is on February 18th. Location: Dogwood Room at Health Resource Center on Pepperell Parkway, across from EAMC. Time: 7 pm…supper at 6 pm at Outback, which is about 2 blocks from HRC. Program: K4IQJ on antenna projects in Loachapoka.

W4HOD Will Operate as W1AW/4 During AQP

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The Alabama Contest Group has asked HODARS to use the W1AW/4 callsign during the Alabama QSO Party this year. This is indeed a great honor for our club and we are looking forward to the event. We will be operating CW, SSB and RTTY and in process of lining up members to operate. More updates […]

Moseley PRO 67-C

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Bob says HEY!  HEY to Bob!   Many thanks to club member Dick, K4IQJ for the use of his Moseley Pro 67-C. He had no room to install it at his QTH, and let us put it up outside the club house. We have used it in several contests and it works very well.   […]

Wiregrass ARC Tailgate

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Beautiful Saturday morning and afternoon in South Alabama October 26 at the Wiregrass ARC tailgate at the city square in Headland. Darrell, K9MUG; Bob, KA4PKB; and Cheryl, AA4YL travelled down for the event and then visited Jim, KC4HW at his home in Slocomb. Jim has a great station and antenna system. Great to meet other […]

2014 ARRL Centennial QSO Party

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In 2014 ARRL and its volunteers will activate W1AW/portable stations in each of the 50 states, territories and possessions. The goal is for the W1AW/ portable operations to be as active as possible during the Tuesday night local to Wednesday time frames 0000Z Weds to 2359Z Tuesday).  All bands and modes may be used. ARRL […]

July Meeting Program

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Richard C. Jaeger, K4IQJ   As promised, Dick, K4IQJ presented a great program on “Advanced Beverage Antenna Designs”. Dick covered the origin of the Beverage antenna and the design and operation of various models. A PDF of his program can be printed from  the link below. Beverage Talk.pdf Dick has presented several programs on […]


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2013 DL-DX RTTY contest is July 4 weekend. 6 am local time Saturday morning to 6 am Sunday morning. Glad to have another contest coming up. It has been a few weeks and we are READY!

July Meeting

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Club member, Dick, K4IQJ has offered to do the program for July meeting. He found a new beverage antenna at this years Dayton hamfest and he will be presenting info on it. BBQ supper in the meeting room before Dick’s presentation. $5.00 per person. Date:   July 9th Time: 6 pm to 8:30 pm Place: […]

Field Day 2013

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Field Day 2013 was held at the QTH of club member Bob, KA4PKB. Our class was 2E and we ran a CW station and a SSB station. We were going to run RTTY and CW, but we needed the Rigexpert on the CW station. It was great fun and we had numerous members on site. […]

W4HOD 147.30 Repeater

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The 147.30 repeater has returned to the airwaves. Tone 123, the repeater is located on the water tower in Loachapoka, AL. There is still some antenna work to do, but the repeater is operational now. Many thanks to club members Frank, N4TKT and Ted, W4DUF for all of the hard work and contributions to this […]

March Meeting

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Great turnout Tuesday evening for the presentation on Software Designed Radio by Dick, K4IQJ. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Mexican buffet and Dick did his usual outstanding job with the program. We had some new visitors and an old member drop by. Good to see Larry, K4LRW back with us. Former member Mike, KF4OPX would […]

2nd Quarter Meeting

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2nd quarter meeting is this Tuesday, March 12. Dick Jaeger, K4IQJ is presenting program on Software Defined Radio (SDR).  Supper in meeting room before meeting. Mexican buffet is on the menu.   Place: Health Resource Center, 2027 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika. Diagonally across from East Alabama Medical Center. Dogwood Room (straight back after entering)   Time: […]