AA4YL is in process of edting the current club by laws and constitution. They are leftover from the previous incarnation of the club and very out of date. SIMPLIFY! KA4PKB is assisting me with proofreading and suggestions. Will present to the club members for their suggetions and approval when complete. I have been wanting to do […]
Posts By: admin
Birmingham Hamfest
Great time at the BirmingHAMFEST this past weekend. Great fellowship and conversation. Lunch afterward at the Golden Rule BBQ in Irondale. HODARS members; Bob, KA4PKB; Don, KA4NDY and Cheryl, AA4YL were there. Also John, KI4KUT, Richard, WB4BYQ; Henry, K4HAL; Jerry, N4JF; Richard, WB4BYQ; Cheryl, AA4YL and Bob, KA4PKB Golden Rule BBQ after hamfest Don, KA4NDY; […]
Special March Meeting With Program
HODARS normally meets quarterly, but we are having a special meeting in March with a program and Mexican buffet. Buffet is $5.00 per person. Dick Jaeger, K4IQJ will be presenting a program on software defined radio. Date: Tuesday, March 12 Time: 6 PM Place: Health Resource Center – 2027 Pepperell Parkway, Opelika. Across from East […]
New HODARS Facebook Page
Please visit the new HODARS Facebook page and “like” us. https://www.facebook.com/w4hod
REMINDER: ARRL VE Test Session In February
Heart of Dixie ARS – W4HOD is planning an ARRL VE test session on February 12th, 2013. Location is the Dogwood Room at the Health Resource Center, located at 2027 Pepperell Parkway, across from EAMC in Opelika. Session begins at 6 PM. All three test levels will be offered. Test Fee is $15.00, check or […]
January Meeting
Excellent turnout for the meeting tonight. Three new members: Ted, W4DUF; Dale, WA4CQG and Terry, KA4Y. Cheryl, AA4YL presented the program on classic videos on amateur radio through the years. Supper before the meeting was at the Mandarin House in Opelika. On a side note, one of our new members gave us the best compliment […]
2013 RTTY RU
The RU went very well. Darrell, K9MUG; Gene, KI4EEY; Bob, KA4PKB and Cheryl, AA4YL participated, using the club call W4HOD. Was great to have Gene at the keyboard. He operated about two hours. 710 QSOS 710 POINTS 56 SECTIONS 38 DX CALLS TOTAL 66,740
TWiT TV HamNation Episode 75
http://twit.tv/show/ham-nation/75 Hosts: Bob Heil (K9EID) and George Thomas (W5JDX). Leo joins us for our 75th anniversary, Bob fires up an original 1956 Harvey-Wells, and more.
ARRL RTTY Roundup January 5-6
1. Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using digital modes (Baudot RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR, PSK31 and Packet—attended operation only) on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. Any station may work any other station. Stations may be worked once per band, regardless of mode. 2. Date and Contest Period: First full weekend of […]
Ham Nation 78 | TWiT.TV
Ham Nation 78 | TWiT.TV. HRO Appreciation Day in Atlanta, christmas poems, and turning a Raspberry Pi into an FM transmitter.
Meeting Change
Beginning in 2013, HODARS will begin meeting QUARTERLY, on the second Tuesday at 7 PM. If additional meetings are necessary, we can schedule them as needed. We meet at the Health Resource Center at 2027 Pepperell Parkway, across from the East Alabama Medical Center. We will plan for special programs at each meeting. 2013 meeting dates: January […]
VE Test Session
Heart of Dixie ARS – W4HOD is planning a test session on February 12th, 2013. Location is the Dogwood Room at the Health Resource Center, located at 2027 Pepperell Parkway, across from EAMC in Opelika. Session begins at 6 PM. All three test levels will be offered. Test Fee is $15.00, check or cash. (checks […]
October Meeting – Date Change
The October meeting will be Wednesday, October 10 at the Health Resource Center on Pepperell Parkway across from East Alabama Medical Center. Meeting room is Magnolia, which is straight back when entering. Meeting begins at 7 PM. Darrell, K9MUG is presenting the program. He will be discussing the V Beam antenna. Darrell had one up […]
The 2012 CQ WW RTTY contest has come and gone. Several members of HODARS participated, using the club call-W4HOD. Darrell, K9MUG; John, KI4KUT; Bob, KA4PKB and Cheryl, AA4YL gathered at the club radio room and operated in the Multi Single High Power category. We used the new (well, new to us) A3S tribander and HF-Auto […]
2012 DRCG Long Distance RTTY Contest
The DRCG Long Distance Contest (RTTY) is June 9-10, 2012. Three different segments over the weekend. Darrell, K9MUG, Bob, KA4PKB and Cheryl, AA4YL will be participating. Looking forward to seeing other club members too. More info here.